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Make your words stand out!26/10/2023 Sometimes our enthusiasm has less of an impact than we think:
➤ I was advised to try the tasting menu, luckily i did, it was amazing, the wine paired exquisitely. Using adverb ‘luckily’ weakens the emphatic statement. Also, ending with an adverb means the reader must look and choose the word it’s modifying. However, rephrasing gives the review its impact: ➤ I was advised to try the tasting menu; and glad I was! Not only was the paired wine exquisite, the menu was sensational. Writing one sentence with multiple ideas is confusing and difficult to read 😕. By using ‘Not only’, we introduce an element of surprise 😯. We can also add impact by removing adverbs and using stronger, more descriptive adjectives 🤓. The tightened sentence is easier to read and has more impact. 😎 _____________________________ Writing in English has its challenges. But don’t worry! Our online workshops are designed to guide you through these challenges. Why not join us? Find out more here.
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Let's interface at 93/10/2023 Combining subjects, ideas and words together may produce a readable sentence. Then again, maybe not. 😢
➤ The manager Marco and the staff were very professional and polite, it was a pleasure interfacing with them. The sentence is unclear: is talking about the manager and the staff, or the manager, Marco and the staff? Additionally, the unusual use of ‘interfacing’ is distracting, as we are left wondering what is actually happening; ‘interfacing’ does not apply between humans 🤖 👽! Perhaps ‘interacting’ was meant, although this still sounds unnatural; try 'meet': ➤ The manager, Marco, and his staff were very professional and polite. It was a pleasure to meet them. The edited sentence now makes better sense, sounds more natural, and has more impact. 😎 How would you have rephrased the sentence?
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The menu was sensational!30/9/2023 Sometimes our enthusiasm has less of an impact than we think:
➤ I was advised to try the tasting menu, luckily i did, it was amazing, the wine paired exquisitely. Ending with an adverb means the reader needs to go back to find the modified word. Rephrasing gives the review its impact: ➤ I was advised to try the tasting menu; and glad I was! Not only was the paired wine exquisite, the menu was sensational. Writing one sentence with multiple ideas is confusing and difficult to read 😕. By using ‘Not only’, we introduce an element of surprise 😯. We can also add impact by removing adverbs and use stronger, more descriptive adjectives 🤓. The tightened sentence is easier to read and has more impact. 😎 |